Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Madness of March

Madness:. Insanity; wild excitement about something or a person; intense anger about something or someone to the point where you no longer “make sense” to others or you “lose your mind”; joyful celebration of something or someone.

I’m choosing the “joyful celebration of something or someone”.definition.

For one, it looks like the New York Knicks are going to be in the playoffs. Go Knicks!

Two, I don’t know much about the NCAA games but it looks like we’ve got at least one east coast team (Florida?) playing in the Final Four.  Go east coast!

And  most important, I am thrilled that YOU and your peers all over the world and especially here in New York City rallied and marched, tweeted, Facebooked, and emailed each other to support justice for 17-year-old Florida resident, Ttrayvon Martin.  What I am most excited about is that people have gone beyond the labels associated with gender preference, skin tone, religion, or other physical appearance to come together for this young man who was simply buying a snack!

So for me, March madness 2012 is a time of celebration especially of YOU, our nation’s teens and teens all over the world who agree that enough is enough.

I would only encourage you to continue to stay focused and follow the Trayvon Martin case as it develops so that you can draw intelligent conclusions as the case develops.  For starters, you might find the following link

useful as a guide for deeper inquiry (critical thinking) about the case.  The link leads to a story about a (scheduled) interview with Craig Sonner, George Zimmerman’s (the assailant) attorney.

Thanks for reading and keep up the good work (including your schoolwork J ). 

~ Quelyn    

Copyright©2012 Quelyn Purdie